What We Do & Why


Odyssey is a non-profit organization supporting local social institutions by developing & promoting social engagement in Bulgaria.

We began our own odyssey in 2012 in cooperation with St. Filomena, a German non-profit organization, by initiating social aid campaigns in the region of Razgrad, Bulgaria. In 2014, members of St. Filomena and other activists founded ODYSSEY to offer on-site support to the growing number of local institutions working towards sustainable social engagement.

As a result, our operations have steadily been offering a broader range of services, resulting in an ever increasing impact on the local community.

Main Responsibilities
• Developing of strategies for regional social awareness and engagement in Razgrad in Bulgaria
• Leading the execution of projects in cooperation with local social organizations
• Establishment and expansion of the International network of ODYSSEY
• Establishment of organizational and logistical structures
• Development and execution of social projects for distribution of specialized goods in the region
• Development and execution of projects for transferring of knowledge in social work between Germany and Bulgaria

Key Achievements & Learnings
• Development and execution of projects for transferring of knowledge in social work between Germany and Bulgaria
• Unique official non-profit partner of the regional administration Razgrad in social aid projects
• Conducting the biggest social aid project in the region Razgrad within social institution



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